Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Box Office Outlook

Its January and that means that 95% of the new releases are going to range from mediocre to terrible. This weeks new releases don't look to change the curve. Luckily we have a lot of Oscar contenders releases and that just means more reviewing in the coming weeks. Expect this week to be dominated by holdovers.

New releases this week include One Missed Call as the only wide release and the Killing of John Lennon. One Missed Call sounds like something ripped right off the Ring, of course it doesn't help that the trailers look awful and buzz has been low. Its gonna get about 2200 theaters though so i think it will end up getting the teen audience in their and earn a good $7-8 mil. I'm hoping for half that.

The Killing of John Lennon sounded like an Intriguing story but The buzz is almost at zero and with reviews are only, it faces an uphill battle. With the biggest PTA opener of the year going into its second week,(there will be Blood). Don't count on this one scoring big with audiences or even expanding.

Juno expands to 1880 theaters and is already past 30 million! I'll have a review as soon as I see it. Expect it to do in the 13 mil range. Atonement is expanding further to 500 theaters and it should add an extra 3 mil or so in its already successful run. In other limited releases, The Orphanage, is expanding to 40 theaters this weekend, It did in the ok to good range last week but I really can't see this connecting with a wide audience.

National Treasure should win the week, followed by Alvin, Juno, I am Legend and Charlie Wilson's War.

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